Learning new information and accessing community resources can often be an important part of the counselling process.
There is so much information available – sometimes this is helpful and other times, overwhelming! Finding what you need may be part of our work together.
A few helpful links:

24/7 resources
Fraser Health Crisis Line (24 hour) 604.951.8855 or 1.877.820.7444
For emotional support, crisis intervention, and resource information
Provincial Suicide Helpline 1.800.784.2433 (24 hour)
If you are in distress or worried about someone who may hurt themselves – no waiting or busy signals
VictimLink 1.800.563.0808 (24 hour)
Toll-free, confidential, multilingual telephone service providing information and referral services to all victims of crime and immediate crisis support to victims of family and sexual violence.

Mental Health Resources
White Rock /South Surrey Mental Health Office
15521 Russell Avenue, White Rock
Mental health centers provide many services including adult short-term assessment and treatment, day and outpatient programs, addiction counselling and group therapy programs. Locations in Surrey, Delta and Langley can be found at www.fraserhealth.ca.
Sources Community Resource Centers
– Addiction Services
– Women’s Place (previously South Fraser Women’s Support Service)
– Employment Services
– mental health and substance use information you can trust
Mood Disorders Association of BC

Wellness Resources
“news and tools for happiness, love and wisdom”
The Space Crescent Beach Wellness Studio

Professional Resources
British Columbia College of Social Workers
British Columbia Association of Social Workers
Moaiku – Bodynamic –Brantbjerg
International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy ( ICEEFT)